Anschutz - 64 R
Below are all the different types of Anschutz. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual
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01 03 Bedienungsanleitung Instruction Leaflet KK Matchgewehre Small Bore Target Rifles Mod 64 R 64 RL Bitte sorgfaltig lesen bevor Sie dieses Gewehr zusammenbauen oder benutzen Please read carefully before you assemble or operate this rifle ANSCHUTZ DIE MEISTER MACHER Index Preface p 16 Safely instructions p 16 General handling of rifles P 17 Ear and eye protection p 19 Laws p 19 Product relating safety instructions p 19 Liability p 19 Technical data p 20 Assembly fitting the ANSCHUTZ barreled action p 20 Cocking loading and safety operation p 21 Unloading p 21 Magazine p 21 Trigger p 22 Order numbers p 25 Cleaning care maintenance lubrication p 26 Accessories p 27 Warranty p 27 Copyrig ...